how to overcome stress

Self Care Sunday: How to Overcome Stress

How to over come stress? Many caregivers are under a tremendous amount of stress. They are generally juggling many competing priorities, Additionally, they are always putting their loved ones first. So, what are some healthy ways to overcome stress? Try using a large print family wall calendar to keep your self organized. A well planned… Continue reading Self Care Sunday: How to Overcome Stress

self care for caregivers

Self Care Sunday: Self Care Makes Better Caregivers

Self care makes better Caregivers. The concept of self-care is one we hear about frequently, but many people are confused by what it actually means. What is self care? And what are some self-care activities that you can use? Try using a large print family wall calendar to keep committed to your self care. Keep… Continue reading Self Care Sunday: Self Care Makes Better Caregivers

healthy meal prep for brain health

Healthy Meal Prep for Brain Health

Healthy meal prep for Brain Health. Meals can promote both enjoyment and health in the elderly. Favorite recipes can provide comfort, spark happy memories and bring people together. Holidays are often celebrated with a family meal. The memories surrounding those meals can often be some of the happiest times in ones life.  Keep reading for… Continue reading Healthy Meal Prep for Brain Health